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Officer Warehouse


H.Essers is an international and reliable player in the logistics sector, but above all a family business that has offered jobs and job security since 1928. Our 7,500 colleagues are ambitious people who dare to do business, are ready to seize opportunities and make a difference every day with simplicity. This enables us as a company to invest continuously in growth with a positive outlook on the future. Our people are our engine. We take care of their personal and professional development, provide them with modern equipment and pay attention to the work-life balance. Yes, our 7,500 colleagues know why they choose H.Essers.
We hope you will soon understand why! We are looking for an Officer Warehouse.


  • As an administrative key figure, you not only ensure a correct follow-up and proper management of our stock, but you also know how to give our customers an accurate answer about their existing stock at all times.
  • This means that on the one hand you are responsible for a smooth processing of the mailbox. On the other hand, you guarantee an open and smooth communication towards our customers/carriers.
  • You brief our international and national drivers at the counter about the shipment they need to transport, from arrival to departure. You make sure that they also have the necessary administrative documents at their disposal.
  • Within our warehouse, you are the person who keeps the drivers, the customers, and our own organization happy on a daily basis with your smooth, administrative approach.

As Officer Warehouse, you are the first point of contact for our drivers/carriers and customers. No administrative bottleneck is too great for you. Like no other you know how to sort out the procedures, regulations, quality standards and you succeed in putting this in order administratively. You demonstrate a hands-on mentality in which accuracy and customer focus are of paramount importance. Even when things get busier, you manage to speak to customers and drivers with the necessary maturity, independence, and professionalism. Since you deal with national and international drivers and customers, you can easily address them in English, both verbally and in writing.

You will be part of an experienced and close-knit team, so you will always receive the necessary support, even when the job is new to you. Colleagues will guide you through the fascinating world of logistics and all the administrative processes and flows that go with it. Within our warehouse operations, no day is the same! This provides the necessary variety in addition to the wide range of tasks you already have. Finally, we always want to provide our customers and drivers with the absolute best service so that every improvement suggestion is always considered. We also hope to be able to consider your suggestions so that we can further optimize our administrative procedure for customers, our drivers, and ourselves!

89 branches in 19 countries, 7500 employees, over one million square meters of warehouse, 2000 trucks and 2.000 ISO tanks. Yes, H.Essers is a major logistics service provider and an established value for our strategic customer segments Pharma, Chemicals, Infra and Parts. As an asset-based family business, we can guarantee short decision lines that allow you to react quickly. This offers you the necessary guarantee for a perfect service to your customers. It is the ideal combination for both satisfied customers as well as employees!

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22-07-2024 H.Essers
Professional Purchase & Security


H.Essers is an international and reliable player in the logistics sector, but above all a family business that has offered jobs and job security since 1928. Our 7500 colleagues are ambitious people who dare to do business, are ready to seize opportunities and make a difference every day with simplicity. This enables us as a company to invest continuously in growth with a positive outlook on the future. Our people are our engine. We take care of their personal and professional development, provide them with modern equipment and pay attention to the work-life balance. Yes, our 7500 colleagues know why they choose H.Essers. We hope you will soon understand why! We are looking for an Professional Purchase & Security

As an Professional Purchase & Security within Essers, you will be responsible for various operational and administrative tasks and you will act as a point of contact for operational complaints and/or problems in order to contribute to the smooth functioning of the processes and a high-quality and efficient service provision of the department


  • Carrying out various routine administrative tasks such as order entry, taking care of and thoroughly checking invoices, input and adjusting all kinds of data, placing orders, preparing payments, drawing up work sheets
  • Reactively following up and dealing with problems and/or complaints from internal and external customers
  • Answering questions from customers and other internal or external contacts/partners
  • Analyzes the existing security system and to make suggestions accordingly for the increase of the assured security level (company policy, concept, conditions, relations, responsibilities
  • Verifies the efficiency appliance of the existing procedures, offers new procedures according to the needs
  • Centralizes the applicable security regulations to all the employees suggesting an internal regulation specific to the companies security

As a Officer Purchase & Security, you are a born negotiator and are committed to profitability, efficiency and thoroughness. Your experience, knowledge and insights within a similar position form the perfect basis. You can build a relationship of trust like no other, not only with internal stakeholders, but also with suppliers. With your vision and solutions, you can motivate and convince them easily.

We offer you the opportunity to help write our international success story from the front row. Our family culture guarantees a high level of commitment and collegiality. We offer you the opportunity to take on challenges that present themselves every day within the growing logistics sector, and do this close to home and within a collegial working environment. Of course, this growth goes hand in hand with the professional growth of our employees. Your knowledge within purchase is given every opportunity to develop further and your proposals and ideas will be heard quickly thanks to our flat structure

89 branches in 19 countries, 7500 employees, more than one million square meters of warehouse, 1,475 trucks and 2,000 ISO tanks. Yes, H.Essers is a major logistics service provider and an established value for our strategic customer segments Pharma, Chemicals, Infra and Parts. As an asset-based family business, we can guarantee short decision lines that allow you to react quickly. This offers you the necessary guarantee for a perfect service to your customers. It is the ideal combination for both satisfied customers as well as employees.

0 sollicitaties

12-07-2024 H.Essers
Quality Specialist


H.Essers is an international and reliable player in the logistics sector, but above all a family business that has offered jobs and job security since 1928. Our 7,500 colleagues are ambitious people who dare to do business, are ready to seize opportunities and make a difference every day with simplicity. This enables us as a company to invest continuously in growth with a positive outlook on the future. Our people are our engine. We take care of their personal and professional development, provide them with modern equipment and pay attention to the work-life balance. Yes, our 7,500 colleagues know why they choose H.Essers.
We hope you will soon understand why! We are looking for a Quality Specialist.

As a quality officer, you are the expert in your field. You monitor and guarantee compliance with applicable laws and regulations. This is achieved by supporting operations and their supervisors in various ways.

What does this mean concretely?

  • Edits and proposes for approval the specific documentation of the quality management system in terms of the requirements according to the applicable ISO standards;
  • Centralizes information and provides detailed statistical reports for periodic analyses performed in the Quality department or for preparation of input data for other analyses within the organization (Analysis performed by management) or for meetings with customers, which he/she reports and discusses with the direct superior, i.e. the Quality Assurance Manager;
  • Provides initial support and training for new users of the Bizzmine electronic system (used for Document Management and CAPA Action Management) and TMS (deviation and complaint management);
  • Participates in the preparation of external audits and inspections by completing and reviewing documentation according to specified requirements, customer requirements, requirements of applicable standards and best practice guidelines, together with other team members and direct supervisor;
  • Participates in the implementation, maintenance and improvement of the processes within the SMC by aligning the documents (manuals, procedures, plans, forms, registers, etc.) within the Integrated Management System (Non-Pharma) to the requirements of the applicable standards ISO 9001, ISO 13485, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, HACCP/Codex Alimentarius guidelines, SQAS and other specific requirements applicable in Romania within the H.Essers organizations (for storage-custody, distribution/transport, garage activities).

You maintain Quality with a capital Q. Your critical view enables you to translate complex processes into clear, efficient and compliant procedures. Quality management systems, quality procedures and relevant legal standards hold no secrets for you. You work in a result-oriented manner with attention to detail, risks and quality. Working autonomously - yet as a team - stimulates you to sink your teeth into every quality issue. You attach great importance to open communication with all stakeholders while maintaining an understanding for everyone's point of view. In this way, you succeed in aligning everyone!

You will be part of an experienced and close-knit team, so you will always receive the necessary support, even when the job is new to you. Colleagues will guide you through the fascinating world of logistics and all the administrative processes and flows that go with it. Within our warehouse operations, no day is the same! This provides the necessary variety in addition to the wide range of tasks you already have. Finally, we always want to provide our customers and drivers with the absolute best service so that every improvement suggestion is always considered. We also hope to be able to consider your suggestions so that we can further optimize our administrative procedure for customers, our drivers, and ourselves!

89 branches in 18 countries, 7500 employees, over one million square meters of warehouse, 1420 trucks and 2.000 ISO tanks. Yes, H.Essers is a major logistics service provider and an established value for our strategic customer segments Pharma, Chemicals, Infra and Parts. As an asset-based family business, we can guarantee short decision lines that allow you to react quickly. This offers you the necessary guarantee for a perfect service to your customers. It is the ideal combination for both satisfied customers as well as employees!

0 sollicitaties

07-06-2024 H.Essers
Officer Warehouse


H.Essers is an international and reliable player in the logistics sector, but above all a family business that has offered jobs and job security since 1928. Our 7,500 colleagues are ambitious people who dare to do business, are ready to seize opportunities and make a difference every day with simplicity. This enables us as a company to invest continuously in growth with a positive outlook on the future. Our people are our engine. We take care of their personal and professional development, provide them with modern equipment and pay attention to the work-life balance. Yes, our 7,500 colleagues know why they choose H.Essers.
We hope you will soon understand why! We are looking for an Officer Warehouse.


  • As an administrative key figure, you not only ensure a correct follow-up and proper management of our stock, but you also know how to give our customers an accurate answer about their existing stock at all times.
  • This means that on the one hand you are responsible for a smooth processing of the mailbox. On the other hand, you guarantee an open and smooth communication towards our customers/carriers.
  • You brief our international and national drivers at the counter about the shipment they need to transport, from arrival to departure. You make sure that they also have the necessary administrative documents at their disposal.
  • Within our warehouse, you are the person who keeps the drivers, the customers, and our own organization happy on a daily basis with your smooth, administrative approach.

As Officer Warehouse, you are the first point of contact for our drivers/carriers and customers. No administrative bottleneck is too great for you. Like no other you know how to sort out the procedures, regulations, quality standards and you succeed in putting this in order administratively. You demonstrate a hands-on mentality in which accuracy and customer focus are of paramount importance. Even when things get busier, you manage to speak to customers and drivers with the necessary maturity, independence, and professionalism. Since you deal with national and international drivers and customers, you can easily address them in English, both verbally and in writing.

You will be part of an experienced and close-knit team, so you will always receive the necessary support, even when the job is new to you. Colleagues will guide you through the fascinating world of logistics and all the administrative processes and flows that go with it. Within our warehouse operations, no day is the same! This provides the necessary variety in addition to the wide range of tasks you already have. Finally, we always want to provide our customers and drivers with the absolute best service so that every improvement suggestion is always considered. We also hope to be able to consider your suggestions so that we can further optimize our administrative procedure for customers, our drivers, and ourselves!

89 branches in 19 countries, 7500 employees, over one million square meters of warehouse, 2000 trucks and 2.000 ISO tanks. Yes, H.Essers is a major logistics service provider and an established value for our strategic customer segments Pharma, Chemicals, Infra and Parts. As an asset-based family business, we can guarantee short decision lines that allow you to react quickly. This offers you the necessary guarantee for a perfect service to your customers. It is the ideal combination for both satisfied customers as well as employees!

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23-05-2024 H.Essers
Reprezentant Relatii Clienti

H.Essers este un jucător de încredere în sectorul logisticii , dar, mai presus de toate, este o afacere de familie care oferă locuri de muncă și siguranța locului de muncă încă din 1928. Cei 7500 de colegi ai noștri sunt oameni ambițioși care îndrăznesc să facă afaceri, sunt pregătiți să fructifice oportunitățile și să facă o diferență în fiecare zi, prin simplitate. Aceasta permite companiei noastre să investească în mod constant în dezvoltare și să privească spre viitor cu încredere. Oamenii noștri sunt motorul nostru. Ne îngrijim de dezvoltarea lor personală și profesională, le punem la dispoziție echipamente moderne și acordăm atenție echilibrului dintre viața profesională și cea personală. Da, cei 7500 de angajați ai noștri știu de ce să aleagă H.Essers.
Sperăm ca vei înțelege și tu în curând motivele! Căutăm un Administrator relatii clienti.


  • În calitate de reprezentant in asistență pentru clienți, acționați ca punct unic de contact pentru clienții noștri naționali și internaționali.
  • În mod specific, oferiți clienților de top ai H.Essers un serviciu optim și excelent jucând un rol de coordonare, mediere între client și H.Essers. În acest fel, reușiți să oferiți un serviciu profesional și orientat spre client.
  • Interacționați cu clienții noștri în organizarea livrărilor, depășind așteptările serviciului pentru clienți
  • Contribuiți la menținerea unor relații puternice cu furnizorii (echipe de planificare, companii de transport și alte departamente)
  • Asigurați o cooperare lină și știți cum să construiți o relație de încredere între client și H.Essers. Scopul nostru este fidelizarea optimă a clienților.
  • Pentru a realiza acest lucru, urmăriți livrările clientului și apărați interesele acestuia în cadrul organizației, dar întotdeauna având în vedere interesele propriei organizații. Veti actiona în continuare în limita capacităților propriei organizații

Avand principiul „clientul este rege” cu mare stimă și, de preferință, ați avut deja ocazia să puneți acest principiu în practică într-un context profesional. Îți place dinamismul național și internațional și conducerea asociată cu această poziție și departament, in „lumea transporturilor”. În plus, sunteți cunoscut ca cineva care este puternic din punct de vedere comunicativ, care dorește să depună eforturi suplimentare pentru clienții săi, care îndrăznește să se gândească în out-of-the box cu colegii dvs. pentru a ajunge la cea mai optimă soluție. Acest serviciu poate fi apoi pus în practică, având în vedere detaliile și păstrând întotdeauna controlul. În cele din urmă, putem oferi acest serviciu de top numai dacă este însoțit de cunoașterea mai multor limbi, în special engleza. Limbi suplimentare, cum ar fi franceza sau germana, sunt cu siguranță văzute ca un atuu puternic.

Vă oferim oportunitatea de a comunica zilnic cu clienții noștri interni și internaționali. Acest lucru contribuie la o muncă interesantă și provocatoare, în care vă puteți aștepta la o mulțime de variații. Puteți fi siguri, nici o zi nu este aceeași aici! La H.Essers obțineți întotdeauna libertatea și autonomia de a vă dezvolta personal. La urma urmei, creșterea clienților noștri merge mână în mână cu creșterea angajaților noștri! Puteți face parte dintr-o echipă și organizație puternică, colegială și cu mare experiență, care apreciază fiabilitatea, spiritul antreprenorial, simplitatea, pozitivismul și grija!

89 de locații din 19 țări, 7.500 de angajați, peste un milion de metri pătrați de depozit, 1.475 de camioane și 1.800 de cisterne conforme ISO. Da, H.Essers este un prestator major de servicii logistice, o resursă valoroasă pentru clienții noștri strategici in domeniul farmaceutic, chimic, infra și de componente. Ca o afacere de familie bazată pe active, vă putem garanta perioade scurte de luare a deciziei, astfel încât să puteți actiona rapid. Acest lucru vă oferă garanția necesară pentru un serviciu perfect pentru clienții dvs. Aceasta este o combinație ideală pentru clienții și angajații mulțumiți, astfel încât ei să se poată dezvolta la locul lor de muncă!

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17-05-2024 H.Essers