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Vacatures geplaatst door Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research

Mimir verzorgt het geautomatiseerde beheer van vacatures op vacaturebanken voor Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research.

Laatste vacatures

PhD SOLPS-ITER (xf//m)

State-of-the-art simulations of transport effects in the fusion plasma edge has become an import element in the prediction of reactor-scale operational scenarios providing compatibility to both, required heat and particle exhaust constraints and good fusion plasma core performance. Given the multi-scale multi-physics nature of the problem, solutions for a reactor relevant operational regime are hard to achieve given slow numerical convergence rates. An employment of numerical tools, that e.g., allow to predict relevant dynamics for plasma control by using an integrated approach with suitable fidelity, are not yet existing.

DIFFER is seeking to hire a PhD researcher (4 years) to work with the Integrated Modeling group at the institute within various frameworks (EUROfusion and other private partners in fusion) to conduct dynamic edge simulations for model predictive control for plasma exhaust and improve edge transport models, e.g. for detached plasma conditions in tokamaks.

0 sollicitaties

26-07-2024 Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research
Teamleider Engineering Support

Teamleider Engineering Support (x/v/m)

die ons team van 10-15 specialistische technici wil leiden - zij spelen een essentiële rol in het mogelijk maken van DIFFER's strategie. De Engineering Support groep vormt samen met de Operations & Facility Support-groep de afdeling Facilities & Instrumentation die zich richt op het ontwerp, de bouw en het beheer van onze innovatieve en behoorlijk grootschalige onderzoeksinstrumenten voor materialen die bruikbaar zijn voor de energietransitie.

Als teamleider Engineering Support leidt je een multidisciplinair team van hooggekwalificeerde technici. De groep bestaat uit de volgende teams: software engineering, elektrotechniek, mechanische ontwerpafdeling en mechanische werkplaats. Je ondersteunt en motiveert de teamleden om op een plezierige, effectieve manier samen te werken aan het behalen van doelen. Je zit de Technische Coördinatie Commissie voor, die in samenwerking met de wetenschappers de doelen en prioriteiten bepaalt. Je verdeelt de vele taken efficiënt over de beschikbare middelen. Je bewaakt actief de huidige en verwachte werkdruk van het team en ontwikkelt een visie over de teamgrootte en benodigde vaardigheden, waarover je rapporteert aan het hoger management.

Als teamleider ben je het aanspreekpunt voor zowel het managementteam als de engineering support. Je bereidt het jaarlijkse budget voor het team voor, beheert toegewezen budgetten en doet voorstellen voor aanschaf en vervanging van apparatuur en eigen toepassingen. Project-management, resourceplanning en optimalisatie zullen een belangrijk aspect van het werk zijn.


  • Dagelijkse supervisie van de technische teamleden; informeren, organiseren, ondersteunen, motiveren en verbinden van de verschillende disciplines.
  • Projectschema's opstellen en beheren, inclusief voortgangsbewaking met bijvoorbeeld MS Projects.
  • Duidelijke doelen en deadlines stellen binnen de beschikbare middelen en ervoor zorgen dat het team effectief functioneert.
  • Taken delegeren op basis van de sterke punten en vaardigheden van elk lid en de mogelijkheid tot training bieden die nodig is om bepaalde taken te voltooien.
  • Een visie ontwikkelen voor een servicegerichte Engineering Support-afdeling.
  • Zorgen voor veilige werkomstandigheden in de werkplaats en technische laboratoria.

0 sollicitaties

22-07-2024 Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research
Expert for Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) (X/F/M)

Description and aim of the position

DIFFER together with the University Twente and DEMCON-TSST are currently building a Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) user facility for energy materials at our location in Eindhoven. The facility has several deposition chambers and multiple in-situ diagnostics attached to a vacuum cluster line. The main part of the facility will be installed in the beginning of 2025. Scientifically, we will focus on metal oxide thin film for energy applications.

In this frame, we are looking for an enthusiastic Post Doc who wants to help with conditioning and running the new facility and with setting up and carrying out scientific projects together with academic and industrial collaborators.

Responsibilities and tasks:

  • Conditioning and Operation: conditioning and operating the PLD cluster basis with two PLD and one sputtering chamber including in-situ diagnostics and characterization methods. Developing recipes for the deposition of metal and metal oxide thin films. Troubleshooting, if problems arise, and solving together with the supplier.
  • User support: supporting users in developing deposition recipes and in operating the facility. Advising users for related in-situ and ex-situ thin film characterization and making contact with respective experts at DIFFER.
  • Training and Education: getting trained in the new infrastructure and setting-up and giving trainings for technicians and users. Educating users on how to effectively utilize the facility's resources.
  • Collaboration: closely collaborating with scientific and technical experts:
    • Scientific: contributing to and driving scientific projects with internal and external collaborators to produce scientific output and disseminate it (papers, conferences). Contributing to setting-up new scientific projects and grants. Establishing collaborations with other research groups and institutions to enhance the facility's capabilities and foster a collaborative research environment. Contributing actively to a vivid research environment at DIFFER.
    • Technical: supporting DIFFER technicians with maintenance and continuous improvement of the facility. Being in close contact with experts from University Twente on technical topics. Contributing to integrating in-situ diagnostics in the workflow of thin film deposition. Defining new upgrades for the facility to remain state-of-the-art. Involved in writing new investments proposals.
  • Documentation and Reporting: writing user manuals and safety documents for supporting training and safety. Contributing to reporting of project progress, facility usage, maintenance activities, and any incidents or issues that arise.
  • Safety and Compliance: ensuring that all users adhere to safety protocols and compliance regulations relevant to the facility and its equipment.
  • Quality assurance: ensuring the quality of the output and ensuring data is properly stored (FAIR).

1 sollicitatie

19-07-2024 Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research
Business developer/ industrial liaison officer (F/M/X)

Business developer/ industrial liaison officer (F/M/X)

As a Business Developer, you will foster and support the collaboration between DIFFER and (industry) stakeholders. Your focus, in particular, will be to open up our unique facilities to private sector users and further develop DIFFER’s network. Additionally, you will act as Industrial Liaison Officer for Fusion for Energy and ITER: the two most significant public European fusion organisations with which DIFFER closely works. Your role will be the linking pin between Fusion for Energy and ITER and Dutch industry. Being part of the strategic support team, you will tie together the strengths and strategic priorities of (inter)national public research and the ambitions and qualities of the private sector.

Concretely, you will:

  • Analyse and interpret industrial developments (opportunities and threats) relevant to DIFFER research, as well as the needs for Fusion for Energy and ITER, and proactively advise the management team and scientific staff about them.
  • Advise about valorisation, public-private partnerships, and the pros and cons of industry collaboration. Set up processes and policies about these topics when needed.
  • Proactively find opportunities for collaboration, valorisation, knowledge transfer, and intellectual property.
  • Maintain and manage, together with scientists and your colleagues, stakeholders and ongoing collaboration with external parties.
  • Represent DIFFER, as well as Fusion for Energy and ITER, at conferences, meetings and (inter)national networks. Be part of the BigScience.NL network.
  • Set up and lead a committee on intellectual property to foster the generation and protection of intellectual property.

1 sollicitatie

18-06-2024 Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research
Postdoc modeling transport in the plasma edge (x/f/m)

State-of-the-art simulations of transport effects in the fusion plasma edge has become an import element in the prediction of reactor-scale operational scenarios providing compatibility to both, required heat and particle exhaust constraints and good fusion plasma core performance. Given the multi-scale multi-physics nature of the problem, solutions for a reactor relevant operational regime are hard to achieve given slow numerical convergence rates. An employment of numerical tools, that e.g., allow to predict relevant dynamics for plasma control by using an integrated approach with suitable fidelity, are not yet existing. In very recent years, the fusion community has started to develop fast surrogate models based on Machine Learning / AI models to speed up significantly the employed tools. Such tools have demonstrated to be generally applicable and to be fast; their predictive capability however is a trade-off balancing speed and level of fidelity.

DIFFER is seeking to hire a post-doctoral researcher for approximately two years to work with the Integrated Modeling group at the institute within various frameworks (EUROfusion and other private partners in fusion) to conduct edge simulations for reactor design and improve fast edge transport model surrogates applicable to fusion reactors.

1 sollicitatie

11-06-2024 Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research