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Adviseur acquisitie en contracten

Ben jij een energieke en gestructureerde adviseur, die onze onderzoekers begeleidt bij het aanvragen van subsidies en het inschrijven op aanbestedingen? Zou je graag onderdeel willen uitmaken van de wereld van onderzoeksfinanciering? Dan is de kans groot dat wij op zoek zijn naar jou!

Onze onderzoekers acquireren zelf onderzoeksopdrachten (contract research) bij opdrachtgevers, zoals overheden en het bedrijfsleven, en schrijven zelf voorstellen voor onderzoeksprojecten die worden ingediend bij nationale, Europese en internationale subsidieverstrekkers. Denk daarbij aan thema’s als duurzaamheid, voedselveiligheid en de relatie tussen mensen en hun omgeving. Als Adviseur Acquisitie en Contracten ben jij de eerste hulplijn als het aankomt op het procesmatige en de juridisch-financiële-administratieve kant van het onderzoeksvoorstel. Daarvoor is het belangrijk dat je beschikt over juridisch en financieel inzicht en een ‘hands on’ mentaliteit.

Je wordt onderdeel van het team van Liaison Office en in deze rol ben je het aanspreekpunt voor een aantal onderzoeksgroepen binnen de instituten Wageningen Economic Research en Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation (onderdeel van Social Science Group) van Wageningen University & Research (WUR). Je standplaats is Den Haag en je zult regelmatig ook in Wageningen werken (standplaats Wageningen is bespreekbaar). Je werkt 32 tot 36 uur per week (deeltijdwerken is bespreekbaar). Je belangrijkste werkzaamheden zijn:

  • je adviseert onderzoekers ten aanzien van nationale en internationale tenders (inschrijvingen op aanbestedingen), subsidieaanvragen en offertes en neemt daarbij ook kennis van de inhoud van het onderzoek;
  • je doorgrondt de (juridische) kaders, voorwaarden en processen van de financier en zorgt er voor dat het voorstel voldoet aan de door de financier gestelde kaders;
  • je coördineert, als een spin in het web, het indieningsproces van aanbestedingen, subsidieaanvragen en offertes op juridisch-administratief gebied en in samenspraak met onderzoekers, samenwerkingspartners, financiers en projectcontrollers;
  • je beoordeelt onderzoekscontracten en stelt tevens (standaard) contracten op. Bij complexe vraagstukken kun je terugvallen op juristen binnen het Liaison Office;

0 applications

10-05-2024 Wageningen University & Research
Medewerker gewasverzorging klimaatcellen & NPEC

Als gewasverzorger binnen onderzoekscentrum Unifarm van Wageningen University & Research ben je verantwoordelijk voor het verzorgen van plant- en gewasexperimenten voor onderwijs- en onderzoeksgroepen. In deze innovatieve en uitdagende omgeving draag je bij aan een breed scala aan onderzoeksprojecten. Je voert werkzaamheden uit in klimaatcellen en de geavanceerde NPEC faciliteiten module 4 en 5.

Jouw taken en verantwoordelijkheden als gewasverzorger zijn:

  • teelt van een breed sortiment planten ten behoeve van experimenten voor onderwijs- en onderzoeksgroepen;
  • werken met geautomatiseerde digitale NPEC systemen;
  • bouwen van (technische) onderzoeksopstellingen;
  • plantenziekten, afwijkingen en plagen signaleren;
  • vermeerdering, teelt en oogst van diverse gewassen;
  • het werken met geautomatiseerde klimaat-, teelt- & voedingssystemen.

Je bent werkzaam in het team Kassen & Klimaatruimten van Unifarm, hét plant- en gewaskundig onderzoekscentrum van Wageningen University & Research. In de sectie Klima & NPEC werk je samen met ongeveer 7 collega’s en beheer je 45 klimaatcellen en de NPEC faciliteiten module 4 (klimaatcellen) en 5 (kassen). Samen met je 55 collega’s binnen Unifarm, werk je veel met (internationale en PhD) studenten en onderzoekers.

0 applications

09-05-2024 Wageningen University & Research
PhD position in the area of horse breeding and genomics

The Animal Breeding and Genomics group at Wageningen University and Research is looking for an enthusiastic PhD candidate who would like to help horse studbooks to implement breeding for better health in their breeding programs.

The PhD will be employed as part of a newly funded public–private partnership (PPP) entitled: “Sustainable breeding programs for genetically healthy horse populations in the Netherlands.”

The PPP aims to support horse studbooks in the Netherlands in their effort to sustainably manage their horse populations, by developing a genetic management program. Such a program should comprise an optimal balance between breed conservation, mitigating deleterious mutations and selection for health and performance. The emphasis on either of these 3 pillars is depending on the genetic status of the horse population.

The PhD candidate will be member of the PPP team and will focus on optimizing the genetic management program for the Dutch Warmblood Horse Association (KWPN). The specific objectives of the PhD-project are: 1) to map and interpret the status of genetic diversity of subgroups of the studbook 2) to detect mutations that are associated with health and fertility 3) To optimally integrate selection for better health and performance while maintaining genetic diversity.

Genomic methodologies can help to better quantify the current status and determine optimal breeding strategies. Several types of genomic datasets (standard SNP arrays and WGS) will be assessed to evaluate genetic diversity and detect mutations associated with health and fertility. The large standard phenotypic databases of the studbook as well as specifically collected phenotypes will be used in this project.

The results from the pedigree-based and genomic assessments will be the basis to compare possible management strategies which will be evaluated on their long-term effects and practical feasibility. For example, while optimum contribution selection (OCS) is theoretically the best strategy, mean kinship selection-based strategies might be more feasible.

The PhD candidate will closely collaborate with researchers and managers of the KWPN studbook as well as with the PhD-student working on the Friesian horse studbook within the PPP.


  • Prof. Martien Groenen
  • Dr Harmen Doekes
  • Dr Martijn Derks
  • Dr Bart Ducro

4 applications

08-05-2024 Wageningen University & Research
Analytical Chemist Secondary Metabolites

Are you interested in exploring the biochemical diversity of the plant kingdom to improve the quality of life and our environment?

We are looking for an experienced scientist with a proven research expertise on analytical chemistry of secondary metabolites. You will implement new methodologies and annotation tools for the targeted and untargeted profiling of compounds in complex (plant) samples (metabolomics), mainly based on high resolution LC-MS/MS approaches. Combined with your background in structural chemistry you will contribute to the further annotation of plant secondary metabolites. This will extend knowledge on plant biochemical diversity and its biosynthesis and how these compounds may confer added value to plants, and to food and non-food products derived from them.

You will acquire, initiate and maintain collaborative projects, through subsidy channels (national and EU) as well as via bi-lateral funding both with industry and/or other research organizations. You will complement a highly motivated, enthusiastic and skilled plant analytical and metabolomics team of six scientists and technicians , closely collaborating with the metabolic engineering team in the Applied Metabolic Systems group. You will strengthen research and acquisition and collaborate with research units and university departments in and beyond Wageningen as well as with (international) industrial partners in a wide range of sectors such as the food (processing), fine chemical, plant breeding, ecology and crop protection sectors.

You will work here
Explore the biochemical diversity of plants to meet the needs of society.

The Applied Metabolic Systems (AMS) group is part of Bioscience, one of the business units of the Wageningen Research foundation and part of the Plant Sciences Group. Wageningen Research together with Wageningen University comprise Wageningen University & Research (WUR). At Bioscience, we study the regulation of metabolic and developmental processes of plants at the molecular level to meet the needs of our growing and changing society. We develop tools that allow us to tap into barely revealed genetic sources. Wageningen UR is an internationally renowned research institute in the fields of life sciences and sustainable production.

You will work within the AMS group which is focused on gaining a better understanding of metabolic processes which lead to the huge biochemical diversity found in the plant kingdom and also to the use of this knowledge for food and non-food applications. For this we are developing and implementing analytical methodologies (metabolomics and proteomics), receptor interaction studies (for functional characterization) and plant- and microbial metabolic engineering (synthetic biology). AMS houses state-of-the-art facilities, comprising LC-MS and GC-MS platforms (6 instruments) and a cell-based micro-array receptor platform. The AMS group comprises a total of about 20 staff members and guest-workers. It operates market-driven, both in (inter)national consortia as well as in bilateral partnerships with industry. Our staff has an excellent scientific track record and patent portfolio.

We are looking for a replacement for a retiring staff member, while providing ample time for transfer of expertise and network.

3 applications

07-05-2024 Wageningen University & Research
PhD position: improving infant health through breast milk proteins & peptides

We are looking for a PhD candidate with an interest in analytical biochemistry and bioinformatics for a project on breast milk protein and peptide composition and its relation to infant health.

Breastfeeding is known to be important for healthy development of infants. One of the many benefits of breastfeeding is the protection against airway infections. Within this project, we will study the role of breast milk composition in the prevention of airway infections in infants, based on evidence that specific factors (proteins and peptides) in human milk may play a role in the protective function of human milk. We will characterize breast milk proteins and peptides, and will determine the link between their presence in breastmilk and airway infections in infants.

Within this PhD project, the aim will be to study the variability in the proteins and peptides in breast milk. We have developed improved methodology for both protein and peptide screening in human milk. However, further improvements still need to be made for the identification of specific peptides. It is expected that the PhD student contributes to this development by working on improved biochemical methods and data analysis. Next, the relation between these breast milk components and infant airway infections needs to be established in collaboration with the PRIMA cohort (Dutch website: https://prima.hetwkz.nl/). In collaboration with another PhD student at the UMC Utrecht, the immunological functionality will be studied of key proteins, including the impact of heating on this functionality.

What will you do
You will work at the Food Quality & Design group, with several external partners (including universities and industries). Within this project, your main tasks will include:

  • perform and improve proteomics and peptidomics analyses;
  • use bioinformatics tool to analyse the obtained -omics data;
  • publishing scientific papers and write a PhD thesis;
  • working within a consortium with different scientific researchers as well as companies.

10 applications

07-05-2024 Wageningen University & Research