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Vacatures geplaatst door Universiteit Utrecht

Mimir verzorgt het geautomatiseerde beheer van vacatures op vacaturebanken voor Universiteit Utrecht.

Laatste vacatures

Postdoc in Recycling Plastics Waste via Mechanochemistry

You will use your background in chemistry, catalysis, polymer science and/or mechanochemistry to discover new recycling technologies for plastics using mechanochemistry. You will enter a relatively unexplored field of chemistry together with an expanding team of 5 PhD candidates and an experienced postdoc. The core objective of this project is to pioneer the conversion of polyolefins into essential chemical building blocks like monomers, aromatics, and other hydrocarbons through innovative ball-milling and extrusion techniques. By unravelling the intricate interplay between mechanical forces, catalysis, and polymer chain cleavage, you will gain valuable insights into the fundamental mechanisms shaping the future of recycling technology. Embrace the array of cutting-edge spectroscopic and analytic techniques (e.g., EPR, SEC, Raman, IR and TGA) within the Inorganic Chemistry and Catalysis (ICC) section, enhancing your proficiency in catalyst design and becoming a trailblazer in mechano-catalysis.

This project addresses the global challenge of plastic waste. To achieve this mechanochemical and mechanistic fundamentals of polyolefin conversion are combined with the possibility to develop a viable recycling technology. You will have the opportunity to apply for patents and make valuable connections to industrial leaders along the plastic value chain. There are plenty of possibilities for outreach, e.g., via webinars or open days of the university.

You will work closely with a diverse team of peers, offering guidance, support, and mentorship. The ICC section offers a stimulating environment with fostering collaborations with distinguished researchers, postdocs, and PhD candidates specialising in operando spectroscopy techniques for catalyst analysis. Your main tasks will include:

  • developing a new chemical recycling technology based on mechanochemistry;
  • overcoming the challenge of performing reactions inside a shaking ball mill at elevated temperatures and under gas atmosphere;
  • understanding the fundamental mechanism of mechanochemical polymer chain cleavage;
  • developing a strong knowledge base for mechanochemistry of polyolefins;
  • advising, supervising and working closely with other team members;
  • working in a top chemistry group with an extensive variety of state-of-the-art equipment.

2 sollicitaties

25-07-2024 Universiteit Utrecht
2 PhD's on nature-based approaches for climate adaptation in Dutch lowland

As part of the Nationaal Groeifonds programme NL2120, the Department of Physical Geography at Utrecht University explores adaptation approaches for Dutch rivers and peatlands. We are seeking two PhD candidates who are eager to contribute to this climate adaptation challenge through two separate projects.

Sustainable RiverScapes (Position 1) aims to develop integrated nature-based strategies for the Dutch river areas to adapt to the changing climate and enhance biodiversity. The challenge is to find adaptation solutions that optimize flood safety, sedimentation, biodiversity, and balance cost and benefits. You will extend and apply the RiverScape model, which simulates the hydro-morphological effects of nature-based interventions in the river-floodplain area. Using field observations with state-of-the-art instruments enabled by the new Delta-ENIGMA facility, you will quantitatively analyze floodplain vegetation and sediment dynamics to develop new vegetation and sediment modules in RiverScape. Subsequently, you will evaluate different strategies under a range of future scenarios to assess how nature-based approaches can contribute to the climate adaptation of river landscapes.

Sustainable Peatlands (Position 2) aims to develop strategies for the sustainable development and climate-resilient use of peatland areas to enhance carbon sequestration and biodiversity, and to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. To date, it is unknown how drained peatlands can be optimally used as nature-based solutions from a greenhouse gas perspective, and what water and soil management measures are required. Fundamental understanding of the natural dynamics of peatland systems is still needed. For this research, a unique peatland growth pilot is being developed in the province of Friesland. Field measurements at the pilot site and in other peatlands, laboratory measurements, and numerical models will be used to investigate peat growth, carbon storage, and greenhouse gas emissions under changing conditions such as groundwater levels. In this project, you will quantify and monitor carbon sequestration under different conditions in peatland areas across the Netherlands, identify the role of the water system and other controls on carbon sequestration, and develop strategies to make polders climate-neutral.

Within the NL2120 project, both PhDs will integrate their results with studies on governance and economics conducted at other universities and by external parties (Deltares, WUR, NGOs, water boards, and Rijkswaterstaat).

To support academic and personal development, PhD candidates will follow courses and assist in teaching Earth Sciences at the Bachelor’s and Master’s levels. Together, these activities amount to twenty percent of the contracted time.

4 sollicitaties

25-07-2024 Universiteit Utrecht
PhD Acceleration of implementation and future scale-up of offshore wind

This PhD program focuses on the large-scale offshore wind farm, Oranje Wind, located in the North Sea about 53 kilometers off the Dutch coast. The project aims to deliver over 760 megawatts (MW) of offshore wind capacity, sufficient to power nearly one million Dutch homes, and contribute to the Netherlands' offshore wind build-out targets. The wind farm will integrate offshore wind with electrolyser capacity for green hydrogen production, flexible demand solutions like e-boilers and battery storage, and floating solar panels to maximize ocean space use.

The development of a North Sea Energy system with 300-400 GW of offshore energy generation capacity by 2050 presents significant challenges. Your research will involve creating quantified roadmaps for this energy system through energy system modeling and scenario analysis. These roadmaps will provide insights into timing, location, technological design, investments, and costs, and will be used to develop policy roadmaps through backcasting methods.

You will analyze national policies and strategies, including planning and legal procedures for offshore wind parks and infrastructure, to identify best practices and address discrepancies between national approaches. The research will also focus on the innovation system around the North Sea and multilateral collaboration frameworks.

Engagement with societal actors involved in the energy transition, including government bodies, companies, startups, NGOs, citizens, and networking organizations, is crucial. Your research will address how to accelerate and upscale offshore wind capacity while balancing other key preconditions, such as ecological impacts and marine uses.

You will work closely with two PhD candidates in the same program and experts from TNO, with a 50% presence at TNO offices. Interaction with other PhD projects, including those focused on system modeling and spatial planning, is expected.

You will publish your results in peer-reviewed journals, present at international conferences, and contribute 10% of your time to teaching.

4 sollicitaties

24-07-2024 Universiteit Utrecht
Privacy Officer directie Studenten, Onderwijs & Onderzoek

Als privacy officer SO&O voorzie je de directie van zowel gevraagd als ongevraagd advies over het naleven van de geldende en toekomstige privacywet- en regelgeving. Je draagt actief bij aan het bewustzijn binnen de directie over de essentiële bescherming van privacy.

Je werkt nauw samen met een tweede privacy officer. Daarnaast werk je regelmatig samen met privacy officers van andere directies aan UU-brede initiatieven, zoals training en awareness, het ontwikkelen van beleid en procedures, en het delen van kennis. Daarbij bied je praktische en beleidsmatige ondersteuning aan de directie door:

  • de belangen van betrokkenen en van de universiteit af te wegen;
  • procedures en (archief)beleid, o.a. ten aanzien van bewaartermijnen, op te stellen en bij te houden;
  • privacyscans en DPIA’s uit te voeren en periodiek te actualiseren;
  • verwerkingen in het verwerkingsregister te inventariseren, registreren en bij te houden;
  • verwerkersovereenkomsten op te stellen en uit te onderhandelen;
  • de implementatie van ‘privacy by design’ in processen en nieuwe ICT-oplossingen te begeleiden;
  • datalekken te beoordelen en meldingen aan de Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens te verzorgen;
  • de communicatie richting betrokkenen, bijvoorbeeld bij een datalek, op te stellen;
  • inzage- en verwijderverzoeken e.d. van studenten en/of medewerkers te verwerken.

1 sollicitatie

24-07-2024 Universiteit Utrecht
Contractmanager gebouw- en installatieonderhoud

In deze afwisselende functie werk je zelfstandig én samen in een team. Het vastgoed van de Universiteit Utrecht is omvangrijk en uniek. De vastgoedportefeuille bestaat uit meer dan 80 objecten met in totaal ongeveer 500.000 m2 vloeroppervlakte. Een unieke werkomgeving waar je werkt met historische rijksmonumenten en moderne gebouwen met de nieuwste technologieën.

Je zult werken in diverse omgevingen, zoals onderwijszalen, kantoren, geavanceerde onderzoekslaboratoria, dierenklinieken en bibliotheken. Deze variëteit maakt je werk bijzonder interessant en biedt je de kans om een echte impact te maken. In deze rol ben je verantwoordelijk voor het:

  • zelfstandig organiseren van aanbestedingen, zowel meervoudige onderhandse aanbestedingen als Europese aanbestedingen;
  • ontwikkelen van aanbestedingsstrategieën en het formuleren van technische of functionele minimumeisen, samen met specialisten;
  • bewaken van de naleving van afspraken in onderhoudscontracten, inclusief het toezien op servicenormen en contractcondities, en het bijsturen waar nodig;
  • bespreken van resultaten van tevredenheidsmetingen en het beoordelen van verbeterplannen.
  • onderhouden van contacten met leveranciers en collega's binnen de universiteit;
  • adviseren, monitoren en afstemmen van belangen van alle betrokken partijen;
  • zorgen voor een soepele implementatie van nieuwe onderhoudscontracten en het scherp in de gaten houden van wijzigingen in wet- en regelgeving op het gebied van bouw en techniek, evenals het signaleren van de impact hiervan op contractafspraken.

0 sollicitaties

24-07-2024 Universiteit Utrecht