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Vacatures geplaatst door Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Mimir verzorgt het geautomatiseerde beheer van vacatures op vacaturebanken voor Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

Laatste vacatures

Management assistent Universiteitsbibliotheek

Als management-assistent bij de Universiteitsbibliotheek (UB) van de VU lever je belangrijke ondersteuning voor het managementteam. Je bent deel van het secretariaat van de UB, een centrale plek in de organisatie. Je hebt een zelfstandige rol, waarin je het managementteam ondersteunt met secretarieel en organisatorisch werk. Daarnaast vorm je een team samen met twee andere collega’s, en neemt werk van elkaar over als dat nodig is.

Zo draag je bij aan een goed lopende UB! Het secretariaat wordt aangestuurd door de Directeur UB.

Jouw taken

  • je ondersteunt leidinggevenden met agendabeheer en het organiseren van vergaderingen, bijeenkomsten en evenementen
  • je assisteert bij sollicitatieprocedures: je regelt afspraken en communicatie met kandidaten
  • je verzorgt algemene organisatorische taken, zoals post- en telefoonafhandeling, en je houdt de mailbox van de afdeling bij
  • je bent aanspreekpunt voor medewerkers: je verstrekt informatie en zo nodig verwijs je door binnen de organisatie
  • je regelt facilitaire zaken zoals zaalreserveringen, het toewijzen van kantoorruimte, werkplekbeheer, het bestellen van kantoorartikelen, de catering en bloemen

0 sollicitaties

26-07-2024 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Post-doc position

Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is an undeniable clinical success in the treatment of movement disorders such as Parkinson’s disease. Yet, DBS exhibits a large outcome variability in individual patients and patients might suffer from stimulation-induced side effects. The sophistication of DBS systems is far ahead of the present understanding and clinical exploitation of the available stimulation features offered by the technology. Finding the right frequency, amplitude, and pulse width settings for an individual patient can be a cumbersome process. Within our European research consortium (Amsterdam, Luxembourg, Uppsala, Berlin), we aim to optimize DBS treatment with a strong focus on electrophysiology in Amsterdam. For this, we use the latest sensing-enabled neurostimulator technology that allows for chronic recordings of local field potentials (LFP) under different stimulation settings.

Job description
We are looking for a postdoc who could contribute to the analysis of DBS-LFP recordings in Parkinson’s disease. You are expected to work on the detection of LFP signal features as physiomarkers of individual motor symptom severity, and to investigate how these features change under different medication and stimulation settings. Data from over 100 patients are available for this analysis. You are expected to take initiative in conducting the work and to present the project’s outcomes in scientific papers and at international conferences. There is an opportunity to supervise student projects, participate in data collection, and to take part in working visits to partners in the consortium. The work in this project will be conducted in close collaboration with the DBS Neurology group at the Amsterdam University Medical Centers location AMC, one of the largest DBS centers in Europe. You are expected to regularly visit the AMC hospital for attending research meetings and to conduct parts of your work, as appropriate. The project will be supervised by Dr. Bernadette van Wijk (VU University Amsterdam) and Dr. Martijn Beudel (Amsterdam University Medical Centers).

1 sollicitatie

25-07-2024 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Je begeleidt en adviseert studenten op het gebied van studievaardigheden, studievoortgang, keuzeprocessen, bijzondere persoonlijke omstandigheden die van invloed zijn op de studievoortgang, en functiebeperking zoals dyslexie, AD(H)D en autisme. Een deel van de doelgroep bestaat uit internationale studenten; de voertaal in het contact met deze studenten is Engels. Je komt in het team studieadvies binnen het onderwijsbureau te werken, bestaande uit 4 studieadviseurs. Het onderwijsbureau is verantwoordelijk voor de organisatie van het onderwijs, studentbegeleiding, het ontwikkelen van examenprogramma’s en onderwijsadministratie en draagt bij aan het geven van het onderwijs en het studieplezier van de studenten. Het onderwijsbureau bestaat uit 18 medewerkers.

Jouw taken

  • Je hebt gesprekken met studenten op afspraak
  • Je houdt een telefonisch- en inloopspreekuur
  • Je helpt mee met de digitale behandeling van vragen van studenten
  • Je geeft groepsgewijze informatiebijeenkomsten en trainingen
  • Je adviseert de examencommissie en commissie bindend studieadvies over studenten met bijzondere persoonlijke omstandigheden.

2 sollicitaties

25-07-2024 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Two full professors within the Department of Organization Sciences

The appointee will be expected to combine research with teaching, social impact and management activities. To fulfil the requirements of the position, the successful applicant will be expected to be physically present on a regular basis, to actively participate in the research activities of the department, to contribute to teaching, social impact and management tasks, and to establish and maintain broad links across the Faculty, University and societal stakeholders. Specifically, we are looking for candidates with expertise in either organizational change in the context of societal transitions and/ or processes of organizing in the context of an increasingly interconnected world.

The Vrije Universiteit works with career paths in the domains of research, education, and valorization. A professor is expected to excel in one of these core tasks of the university.

Your duties

  • conducting research at high international standards of quality, including high impact publishing and contributing to societal impact
  • undertaking coaching and mentoring responsibilities of early career colleagues and students
  • leading the OCTS or ONS cluster and actively contributing to the management of the ORG department and the Faculty of Social Sciences
  • supervising PhD students and being involved in the Graduate School of Social Sciences
  • acquiring external funding, submitting applications for financing research and valorisation activities
  • teaching in the ORG programs, including leading Executive Education offerings
  • actively promoting the academic reputation of the department by leading in international research co-operation, delivering keynotes, reviewing and editing for top academic journals in the field
  • contributing to the work and life of the department

2 sollicitaties

23-07-2024 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Assistant Professor in AI & Behaviour (Career Track)

The AI & Behaviour group is dedicated to responsibly advancing AI to benefit society. Our mission is to design, develop, and evaluate AI-based techniques and algorithms related to human behaviour. Our aim is to analyse, predict and support human behaviour, while respecting societal values.

Our primary focus areas include applications for health, wellbeing, safety, and sustainability. We utilize a variety of computational approaches such as model-based simulation, serious gaming, Virtual Reality-based systems, personalized advice apps, chatbots, and large language models (LLMs).

We are committed to developing ethically responsible AI approaches that respect user autonomy, are transparent and that are based on user consent.

As a new Assistant Professor, you will be a member of the broader Computer Science department, which is conducting cutting-edge research on key topics within a coherent program. In the department, we combine fundamental, strategic, and application-oriented research to ensure that our work is highly relevant to both the scientific and societal spheres. This results in high-impact publications and research software. Our inter- and multidisciplinary research contributes to various societal domains, including humanities, social sciences, and health. You will contribute to the teaching in our very popular undergraduate and graduate AI programmes.

Your duties

  • conduct cutting-edge research in AI and human behaviour
  • develop innovative AI solutions that contribute to societally relevant applications
  • collaborate with a experts within and outside our research group
  • contribute to teaching and mentoring AI students
  • perform management tasks within the department

18 sollicitaties

23-07-2024 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam