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PhD Position: Biomolecular Condensates in Synthetic Cells

The project is part of ComeInCell, the EU Doctoral Network on Integrative Synthetic Cell Design (https://www.comeincell.org): Condensates at Membrane Scaffolds – Integrated Systems as Synthetic Cell Compartments.

You will join the group of Evan Spruijt (www.spruijtlab.com) at Radboud Univeristy and you will be given the opportunity to do secondments at the Max Planck Institute for Colloids and Interfaces in Potsdam, Germany (Dimova Group), the University of Groningen in the Netherlands (Poolman Group), the Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf in Germany (Exterkate Group) and the Centro de Investigaciones Biologicas Margarita Salas of CSIC in Madrid, Spain (Rivas Group). Synthetic cells hold great promise in the development of innovative therapeutic strategies. However, molecular payloads synthesised inside synthetic cells must be secreted and new molecular building blocks or drugs must be delivered to synthetic cells in a smart and programmable way. Condensates have recently been shown to interact with membranes in a rich and dynamic way, including the possibility of entering giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) via endocytosis. In this project, you will develop synthetic cells and condensates that exhibit a tunable affinity for the GUV inner membrane. The membrane affinity will be controlled via biochemical pathways that regulate ATP levels and that regulate the self-organisation of protein filaments. Enzyme-controlled condensates will be directed to the membrane, where condensate property modulation and membrane remodelling are used to directly uptake or secrete condensates through membrane wrapping to deliver biomolecular payloads concentrated inside the condensates. This may enable future use of synthetic cells for the development of RNA and protein-based therapeutics.

You will communicate your findings in papers in peer-reviewed journals and at international conferences. You will also be involved in training and teaching BSc and MSc students.

Selected References:

  • S. Javed, E. Spruijt, Spontaneous wrapping of coacervates by lipid bilayers upon heat shock creates resilient and intact membranized coacervates, ChemRxiv (2024); DOI 10.26434/chemrxiv-2024-f4gls
  • T. Lu, S. Liese, L. Schoenmakers, C.A. Weber, W.T.S. Huck and E. Spruijt, Endocytosis of coacervates into liposomes, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 144 (30), 13451-13455 (2022); https://doi.org/10.1021/jacs.2c04096
  • M. Abbas, W.P. Lipinski, K.K. Nakashima, W.T.S. Huck and E. Spruijt, A short peptide synthon for liquid-liquid phase separation, Nature Chemistry 13, 1046-1054 (2021); https://www.nature.com/articles/s41557-021-00788-x
  • K.K. Nakashima, M.H.I. van Haren, A.A.M. André, I. Robu and E. Spruijt, Active coacervate droplets are protocells that grow and resist Ostwald ripening, Nature Commun. 12, 3819 (2021); https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-24111-x

9 applications

15-11-2024 Radboud Universiteit
PhD Position: Biomolecular Condensates in Synthetic Cells

The project is part of ComeInCell, the EU Doctoral Network on Integrative Synthetic Cell Design (https://www.comeincell.org): Condensates at Membrane Scaffolds – Integrated Systems as Synthetic Cell Compartments.

You will join the group of Evan Spruijt (www.spruijtlab.com) at Radboud Univeristy and you will be given the opportunity to do secondments at the Max Planck Institute for Colloids and Interfaces in Potsdam, Germany (Dimova Group), the University of Groningen in the Netherlands (Poolman Group), the Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf in Germany (Exterkate Group) and the Centro de Investigaciones Biologicas Margarita Salas of CSIC in Madrid, Spain (Rivas Group). Synthetic cells hold great promise in the development of innovative therapeutic strategies. However, molecular payloads synthesised inside synthetic cells must be secreted and new molecular building blocks or drugs must be delivered to synthetic cells in a smart and programmable way. Condensates have recently been shown to interact with membranes in a rich and dynamic way, including the possibility of entering giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) via endocytosis. In this project, you will develop synthetic cells and condensates that exhibit a tunable affinity for the GUV inner membrane. The membrane affinity will be controlled via biochemical pathways that regulate ATP levels and that regulate the self-organisation of protein filaments. Enzyme-controlled condensates will be directed to the membrane, where condensate property modulation and membrane remodelling are used to directly uptake or secrete condensates through membrane wrapping to deliver biomolecular payloads concentrated inside the condensates. This may enable future use of synthetic cells for the development of RNA and protein-based therapeutics.

You will communicate your findings in papers in peer-reviewed journals and at international conferences. You will also be involved in training and teaching BSc and MSc students.

Selected References:

  • S. Javed, E. Spruijt, Spontaneous wrapping of coacervates by lipid bilayers upon heat shock creates resilient and intact membranized coacervates, ChemRxiv (2024); DOI 10.26434/chemrxiv-2024-f4gls
  • T. Lu, S. Liese, L. Schoenmakers, C.A. Weber, W.T.S. Huck and E. Spruijt, Endocytosis of coacervates into liposomes, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 144 (30), 13451-13455 (2022); https://doi.org/10.1021/jacs.2c04096
  • M. Abbas, W.P. Lipinski, K.K. Nakashima, W.T.S. Huck and E. Spruijt, A short peptide synthon for liquid-liquid phase separation, Nature Chemistry 13, 1046-1054 (2021); https://www.nature.com/articles/s41557-021-00788-x
  • K.K. Nakashima, M.H.I. van Haren, A.A.M. André, I. Robu and E. Spruijt, Active coacervate droplets are protocells that grow and resist Ostwald ripening, Nature Commun. 12, 3819 (2021); https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-24111-x

1 application

15-11-2024 Radboud Universiteit
Zelfstandig werkend kok

Als zelfstandig werkend kok verzorg je diners, buffetten en events op één of meerdere van onze vier historische locaties. Jij bent betrokken bij de voorbereidingen van de menu’s en weet deze op de dag van het evenement zelfstandig tot uiting te brengen. De concepten zijn divers: van een barbecue voor een personeelsbijeenkomst of een groot diner voor medewerkers van het ziekenhuis tot een buffet voor hoogleraren.

Oog voor detail, kwaliteitsgerichtheid en stressbestendigheid zijn belangrijk om de voorbereiding en presentatie van de gerechten volgens hoge standaarden te kunnen serveren.

Je bent niet alleen de uitvoerder van de gerechten en menu’s, maar krijgt ook de ruimte om jouw ideeën en input te leveren voor nieuwe gerechten en het continu verbeteren van onze maandelijks wisselende menu's. Dat doe je samen met de Coördinator Keuken. Je bent de rechterhand en neemt de taken over bij afwezigheid.

Ben jij bereidt jezelf te ontwikkelen en ga je uitdagingen niet uit de weg? Kom dan ons hechte, bevlogen horecateam versterken als zelfstandig werkend kok!

12 applications

13-11-2024 Radboud Universiteit
Zelfstandig werkend kok

Als zelfstandig werkend kok verzorg je diners, buffetten en events op één of meerdere van onze vier historische locaties. Jij bent betrokken bij de voorbereidingen van de menu’s en weet deze op de dag van het evenement zelfstandig tot uiting te brengen. De concepten zijn divers: van een barbecue voor een personeelsbijeenkomst of een groot diner voor medewerkers van het ziekenhuis tot een buffet voor hoogleraren.

Oog voor detail, kwaliteitsgerichtheid en stressbestendigheid zijn belangrijk om de voorbereiding en presentatie van de gerechten volgens hoge standaarden te kunnen serveren.

Je bent niet alleen de uitvoerder van de gerechten en menu’s, maar krijgt ook de ruimte om jouw ideeën en input te leveren voor nieuwe gerechten en het continu verbeteren van onze maandelijks wisselende menu's. Dat doe je samen met de Coördinator Keuken. Je bent de rechterhand en neemt de taken over bij afwezigheid.

Ben jij bereidt jezelf te ontwikkelen en ga je uitdagingen niet uit de weg? Kom dan ons hechte, bevlogen horecateam versterken als zelfstandig werkend kok!

0 applications

13-11-2024 Radboud Universiteit
Secretary General for NeurotechEU

As Secretary General of NeurotechEU, you will coordinate the projects of the alliance. You will lead the Management and Coordination Office and, together with this office, actively support the implementation and execution of the programme. You will be the alliance's main contact with the European Commission, writing and coordinating the necessary reports. You will also be the alliance's first point of contact for other alliances, associated partners and other interested parties. Furthermore, together with the alliance coordinator, you will take the lead in organising annual conferences and meetings in consultation with the partners. You will also take the lead role in coordinating and writing applications for the alliance. Within Radboud University, you will maintain contacts with both academic and support staff for the benefit of the project.

Your tasks:

  • To coordinate all collaboration activities between NeurotechEU, its partners and Radboud University, working closely with the project coordinator, rector, deans, academic and support staff, and the Management and Coordination Office.
  • To coordinate the NeurotechEU work packages within the alliance in collaboration with the Management and Coordination Office at Radboud University.
  • To chair Radboud team meetings and develop good practices to help Radboud University further realise its ambitions in NeurotechEU.
  • To oversee planning in terms of deliverables, milestones, finances, legal impact and the organisation of this initiative together with regional, national and international stakeholders.
  • To bear the responsibility for internal and external communications on behalf of Radboud University.
  • To fill in for the project coordinator in his or her absence.

11 applications

13-11-2024 Radboud Universiteit