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PhD Position: Migrants, Law and the State

Migrants are often seen as having less trust in the state than native citizens. This PhD project aims to provide new insights into migrants’ experiences with law and state institutions across borders, seeking to explain migrants’ trust or lack of trust in the state and their legal consciousness: how they experience, navigate and give meaning to law and state institutions. What are the experiences of migrants from different backgrounds, with different migration statuses, and in different social positions with state institutions? What role do migration procedures play in shaping migrants’ legal consciousness?

As a PhD candidate you will contribute to answering these research questions. The project will focus on migrants from Ukraine living in the Netherlands and Poland. You will conduct fieldwork in two countries (Netherlands and Poland), using a combination of interviews and ethnographic methods to gain in-depth knowledge of migrants’ experiences with law and state institutions in different areas of their lives. To contextualise the fieldwork data, you will also conduct legal research on the national and EU legal frameworks.

Would you like to learn more about what it’s like to pursue a PhD at Radboud University? Visit the page about working as a PhD candidate.

29 applications

20-02-2025 Radboud Universiteit
PhD Position: Migrants, Law and the State

Migrants are often seen as having less trust in the state than native citizens. This PhD project aims to provide new insights into migrants’ experiences with law and state institutions across borders, seeking to explain migrants’ trust or lack of trust in the state and their legal consciousness: how they experience, navigate and give meaning to law and state institutions. What are the experiences of migrants from different backgrounds, with different migration statuses, and in different social positions with state institutions? What role do migration procedures play in shaping migrants’ legal consciousness?

As a PhD candidate you will contribute to answering these research questions. The project will focus on migrants from Ukraine living in the Netherlands and Poland. You will conduct fieldwork in two countries (Netherlands and Poland), using a combination of interviews and ethnographic methods to gain in-depth knowledge of migrants’ experiences with law and state institutions in different areas of their lives. To contextualise the fieldwork data, you will also conduct legal research on the national and EU legal frameworks.

Would you like to learn more about what it’s like to pursue a PhD at Radboud University? Visit the page about working as a PhD candidate.

8 applications

20-02-2025 Radboud Universiteit
Associate/Assistant Professor: Language and Speech Technology

To enable a flying start and to underline our ambitions for this growth area, the Centre for Language Studies offers extra research time: for the first two years of this position, 0.6 FTE is available for research and 0.4 FTE for teaching. After this, the split is 0.4/0.6 as with all comparable positions in our faculty.

Research on Language and speech technology research underpins new developments in how we interact with ‘’AI” and handle knowledge, cultural heritage, education, and healthcare. In these domains, audio and text retrieval, multimedia understanding, multilingualism, voice-driven interfaces, speech evaluation and speech-based diagnostics offer much scope for fundamental, applied and contract-based research. You will make an active contribution to research in at least two of these areas through your own work and collaboration within and outside the university. At the Centre for Language Studies, you will develop research lines in the field of Language and Speech Technology and AI, and you will publish your findings in relevant venues. You will supervise PhD candidates and junior staff in these fields, and contribute to interdisciplinary collaborations with a keen understanding of ethical aspects.

You will provide teaching in the field of language and speech technology in the context of various teaching programmes in the faculty. You will apply your expertise in high-quality teaching within relevant BA and MA programmes and tracks, including BA Linguistics and BA Communication and Information Sciences, MA Linguistics/Language and Communication Technology, and Research MA Linguistics and Communication Sciences. Our specialisations attract students from our own programmes but also from other faculties (including AI and Data Science). A cross-disciplinary approach is an important starting point. You will contribute to supervising lab rotations and theses in which students develop their own research themes, and you will train students for work in education, industry or government.

The section you will work in – the expert group on AI: Language, Communication and Technology within the department of Language and Communication – offers a dynamic environment with a strong focus on interdisciplinary research and a plurality of methodological approaches. The additional research time in the first two years provides a soft landing, ample space to realise ambitions, and an opportunity to unhurriedly work on a close connection between research and teaching. We look forward to the contributions you can make as a new colleague.

The position can be filled as either an Associate Professor or an Assistant Professor. If you start as an Assistant Professor, your supervisor will make a plan for promotion to the rank of Associate Professor once you have a permanent contract subject to performance review that takes into account the profile requirements.

15 applications

19-02-2025 Radboud Universiteit
Associate/Assistant Professor: Language and Speech Technology

To enable a flying start and to underline our ambitions for this growth area, the Centre for Language Studies offers extra research time: for the first two years of this position, 0.6 FTE is available for research and 0.4 FTE for teaching. After this, the split is 0.4/0.6 as with all comparable positions in our faculty.

Research on Language and speech technology research underpins new developments in how we interact with ‘’AI” and handle knowledge, cultural heritage, education, and healthcare. In these domains, audio and text retrieval, multimedia understanding, multilingualism, voice-driven interfaces, speech evaluation and speech-based diagnostics offer much scope for fundamental, applied and contract-based research. You will make an active contribution to research in at least two of these areas through your own work and collaboration within and outside the university. At the Centre for Language Studies, you will develop research lines in the field of Language and Speech Technology and AI, and you will publish your findings in relevant venues. You will supervise PhD candidates and junior staff in these fields, and contribute to interdisciplinary collaborations with a keen understanding of ethical aspects.

You will provide teaching in the field of language and speech technology in the context of various teaching programmes in the faculty. You will apply your expertise in high-quality teaching within relevant BA and MA programmes and tracks, including BA Linguistics and BA Communication and Information Sciences, MA Linguistics/Language and Communication Technology, and Research MA Linguistics and Communication Sciences. Our specialisations attract students from our own programmes but also from other faculties (including AI and Data Science). A cross-disciplinary approach is an important starting point. You will contribute to supervising lab rotations and theses in which students develop their own research themes, and you will train students for work in education, industry or government.

The section you will work in – the expert group on AI: Language, Communication and Technology within the department of Language and Communication – offers a dynamic environment with a strong focus on interdisciplinary research and a plurality of methodological approaches. The additional research time in the first two years provides a soft landing, ample space to realise ambitions, and an opportunity to unhurriedly work on a close connection between research and teaching. We look forward to the contributions you can make as a new colleague.

The position can be filled as either an Associate Professor or an Assistant Professor. If you start as an Assistant Professor, your supervisor will make a plan for promotion to the rank of Associate Professor once you have a permanent contract subject to performance review that takes into account the profile requirements.

4 applications

19-02-2025 Radboud Universiteit
HR medewerker

Als HR medewerker werk je in een (internationale) academische en dynamische omgeving waar geen dag hetzelfde is. Je zorgt voor het registreren, actualiseren en beheren van personeel- en formatiegegevens in het personeelsinformatiesysteem (BASS HRM/Oracle). Daarnaast heb je veel contact met medewerkers en leidinggevenden en denk je met hen mee over allerlei HR-vragen op het gebied van in-, door- en uitstroom, verzuim, verlof, CAO en arbeidsvoorwaarden.

Je werkt daarbij samen met je directe HR-collega's maar ook met collega's van andere afdelingen, faculteiten en disciplines. Daarnaast lever je een bijdrage aan RU-brede projecten en facultaire werkgroepen. Zie jij zaken die beter of slimmer kunnen? Heel goed! Dan horen we graag hoe het anders kan en nodigen we je uit daar actief aan bij te dragen.

17 applications

18-02-2025 Radboud Universiteit