Jobs posted by Wageningen University & Research
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Biotechnicus en dierverzorger
Als biotechnicus en dierverzorger ga je samenwerken met de onderzoekers van m.n. de Animal Sciences Group van Wageningen University & Research. Binnen onze researchfaciliteit Aquatische Research Faciliteit verzorg jij de proefdieren. Het gaat hierbij voornamelijk om de verzorging van vissen en de monitoring en bewaking van de juiste waterkwaliteit door het juiste management van de biofilters in de recirculatiesystemen. Met deze werkzaamheden ga jij een belangrijke bijdrage leveren aan het verduurzamen van de productie van vissen en garnalen. Naast de verzorging van vissen ondersteun je ook bij het onderzoek naar het effect van de ecologische leefomgeving op aquatische organismen zoals o.a. koralen.
In de rol van biotechnicus en dierverzorger zijn jouw taken en verantwoordelijkheden:
- Dagelijkse verzorging van de proefdieren, registreren en documenteren van afwijkingen in de gezondheid;
- monitoring van de waterkwaliteit en vertaling naar management van het recirculatie systeem;
- een correcte uitvoering van experimenten i.s.m. onderzoekers;
- tijdig en volledig inrichten van ruimtes en materiaal die voor het onderzoek noodzakelijk zijn, je schuwt hierbij de fysieke uitdaging niet;
- uitvoering van experimentele handelingen zoals diverse monsternames en toedieningsmethoden volgens onderzoeksplan;
- signaleren van afwijkingen van het onderzoeksplan en/of voorschriften en documenteren en melden hiervan.
Jij gaat samenwerken in een team van 6 collega’s die werken met aquatische organismen in Wageningen, bij CARUS. Informatie over onze researchfaciliteit vind je hier: Carus.
27-03-2025 Wageningen University & Research
Service medewerker
Als Medewerker binnen ons team Service draag je bij aan de optimale ondersteuning van o.a. de logistiek en het beheer van diverse ruimtes, waaronder ook de High Containment Unit (HCU)
Wij hebben bij Wageningen Bioveterinary Research in Lelystad een interessante positie voor jou!
Je bent uitvoerend bezig, maar houdt ook toezicht op de ruimten die binnen jouw beheer vallen.
Verder ben jij verantwoordelijk voor o.a :
- Verzorgen van logistieke taken zoals transport van goederen en monsters van buiten naar binnen en binnen de HCU rekening houdend met de daarvoor geldende procedures en high containment veiligheidsregels;
- Het in- en uitsluizen van materialen, gebruiksproducten, en afvalbeheer;
- Het verzorgen van spoel en sterilisatie werkzaamheden binnen de HCU en de logistiek van deze producten;
- Juiste opslag van goederen;
- Het doen van verbetervoorstellen met betrekking tot uitvoering van de werkzaamheden en werkwijzen en ziet toe op de realisatie hier van;
- Verzorgen het aanvullen van algemene gebruiksartikelen;
- Beheren van de benodigde materialen en je zorgt indien noodzakelijk voor reparatie of vervanging hiervan;
- Het aanvullen van benodigde kleding en ander textiel;
- De High Containment veiligheid ten aanzien van de bediende apparatuur.
- Houdt zich actief op de hoogte van de relevante (veiligheids)regels voor de HCU.
Hier ga je werken
De werkzaamheden zullen (deels) plaatsvinden in gebouwen waarvoor na het verlaten nog een aanvullende quarantainerestrictie geldt (op basis van EU-regelgeving). Dit houdt in dat het niet is toegestaan om evenhoevige dieren te houden. Ook is het gedurende 72 uur na de werkzaamheden niet toegestaan contact te hebben met deze dieren en pluimveeproductiebedrijven te bezoeken.
Stafonderdeel Beheer is verantwoordelijk voor het beheer van de gebouwen waaronder de High Containment Unit (HCU)en de daarvoor benodigde ondersteuning. De afdeling Beheer bestaat uit een Front office voor de klantvraag en een Back office voor de uitvoerende taken.
Services is onderdeel van de Back Office en verzorgt de logistiek, het ruimtelijk beheer, de wasserij, spoel en sterilisatie, afval en andere ondersteunende activiteiten.
Het team van Services bestaat op dit moment uit 10 medewerkers, die hun taken zowel binnen als buiten de High Containment Unit vervullen. Het team wordt aangestuurd door de Teamleider Service.
27-03-2025 Wageningen University & Research
Information Security and Privacy Specialist
Would you like to contribute to a safe and responsible approach to data within WUR?
Due to the diversity of employees, clients, and partners within Wageningen University & Research (WUR), the need for secure data and information management is growing. That’s why we are giving an extra boost to information security and privacy protection. We are looking for an Information Security and Privacy Specialist who is committed to safeguarding these aspects within our education and research institutes.
What will you do?
As an Information Security and Privacy Specialist, you play a crucial role in protecting data, including personal data, within WUR. You will work closely with researchers, educators, and IT professionals as an advisor to raise awareness and improve processes. Your responsibilities include:
Information Security and Protection
- Acting as a local point of contact and advisor for security-related issues.
- Promoting awareness and providing education on information security and privacy.
- Coordinating and supporting data classification efforts and advising on secure data storage.
- Identifying risks related to software and hardware and advising on appropriate security measures.
- Mapping out scientific equipment/hardware that is not connected to the WUR network.
- Collaborating with the Corporate Information Security Officer, IT teams, and Product Owners to effectively implement security measures.
- Coordinating potential security incidents and escalating them when necessary to the Data Protection Officer, Corporate Privacy Officer, and the Corporate Information Security Officer.
Privacy Protection and Compliance
- Acting as a local point of contact and advisor for privacy-related issues.
- Conducting privacy assessments for new processes, projects, and applications.
- Identifying and analyzing privacy risks and advising on mitigating measures.
- Advising, supporting, and overseeing the SmartPia process (data processing register) and ensuring follow-up on measures from DPIAs (Data Protection Impact Assessments).
- Coordinating requests from individuals regarding their personal data.
- Coordinating potential data breaches and escalating them when necessary to the Data Protection Officer, Corporate Privacy Officer, and the Corporate Information Security Officer.
Additionally, you will be responsible for initiating, developing, and implementing policies and strategies in the areas of architecture and information security within the organization. You will tackle integrated challenges while considering the interaction between various policy domains and administrative interests. Furthermore, you will assess and analyze risks, advising key decision-makers on measures to mitigate them—always with a long-term perspective and in alignment with the organization’s strategic goals.
All of this takes place in a dynamic work environment within a leading knowledge institution, with opportunities for professional growth in privacy, data compliance, and information security—alongside a network of specialists within WUR.
27-03-2025 Wageningen University & Research
Board secretariat Staff member
We are looking for a proactive and accurate colleague who, as right hand of the board secretary, prepares board meetings, ensures communication of decisions and keeps an overview of actions. We offer you a challenging job and a nice working atmosphere in which you can express your enthusiasm
Your team
You will work with the Governance team of the Corporate Governance & Legal Services department. This close-knit team of six has weekly work meetings and prepares various governance meetings, such as those of the Executive Board, the WUR Management Board, the Academic Board, the Supervisory Board, the Student Council and the WUR Council.
As Board secretariat Staff member, you play an important role in preparing the board's administrative consultations. You have contact with staff from the corporate staff, secretariats, directors and chairmen of working groups. It is a challenging and independent position in an inspiring working environment.
Your duties and responsibilities are:
- You will prepare agendas, collect and organise documents, place them in the meeting tool and invite guests, being the focal point and first point of contact for the board secretary in the preparation of board meetings.
- You inform stakeholders of board decisions, compile a decision list and communicate it on intranet. You keep an overview of outstanding actions and monitor the process for decisions that require further coordination. You also coordinate the scheduling of board meetings with the secretariat.
- You support the board secretary in preparing the weekly consultations with the staff directors, you attend these consultations, note actions, pick them up. You take care of the planning of these consultations.
- You prepare the consultation of the board secretary / staff director with the works council of the corporate staff, in coordination with the chairman and secretary of the works council. You take care of correspondence with the works council, such as requests for advice. You support the board secretary / staff director in her liaison function between staff directors and the local works council.
- For the CG&LS department, keep the intranet page up to date and manage the granting of rights to the digital archive.
This is where you will work
The Corporate Governance & Legal Services department is one of the corporate departments within Wageningen University & Research. The department consists of about 20 employees divided between the Governance Section, the Legal Section and the official Secretaries.
27-03-2025 Wageningen University & Research
PhD position : Spatial challenges and socio-cultural relations between rural and urban areas
Are you interested in relations between the countryside and the city, spatial challenges and in particular the socio-cultural aspects within them? Then we are looking for you!
The cluster Landscape Architecture and Spatial Planning is looking for a PhD researcher in the field of 'spatial challenges and socio-cultural relations between rural and urban', with a focus on spatial relations between urban and rural areas and on the socio-cultural meanings of 'the countryside' for both urban and rural people.
The PhD position is part of the NWO-funded research programme 'Fertile Soils', in which interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research is conducted into integral sustainability and improvement of the relationships between rural and urban areas. The project focuses in particular on the (spatial) matching of supply and demand and the (re)valuation of landscape services - such as drinking water, recreational space and biodiversity - in the region. Fertile Soils concentrates on five urban-rural regions: Zwolle, Groningen-Het Hogeland, Metropolitan Region Rotterdam The Hague, Urban Region Breda Tilburg and Amsterdam Metropolitan Region.
In recent years, there has been a lot of discussion about the interactions between urban and rural areas, because rural and urban residents would have different understandings of the current problems and the associated solutions, for example with regard to nitrogen, biodiversity, or housing. These discussions let to a perceived gap between city and countryside.
In these discussions, the diversity between and within rural and urban communities is often overlooked. We also know little about the socio-cultural appreciation of landscape services by the different types of 'consumers' and about the role that landscape services can play in strengthening regional identities and place meanings. Within Fertile Soils, a team of two PhDs and their supervisors from the University of Groningen and Wageningen University will investigate this theme.
The PhD research 'spatial challenges and socio-cultural relations between rural and urban' is being carried out by Wageningen University. Central to the research are spatial interventions in the field of urban-rural areas, how these planning processes are related to spatial interactions between urban and rural areas and appreciation of areas and landscapes.
Many rural dwellers visit nearby towns on a daily or weekly basis, while for many city dwellers, the surrounding countryside is mainly a backdrop for less frequent bike rides or walks in the woods. The aim is to explore how these interactions are part of planning processes and how solving spatial issues can contribute to the coherence between city and countryside. There is a specific focus on socio-cultural aspects such as identity and trust.
Your duties and responsibilities include:
- setting up and carrying out the above-mentioned research, resulting in, among other things, a dissertation containing 3 to 4 international scientific publications, which will be defended in public;
- publishing and presenting the research and sub-research results in the Netherlands and at international scientific conferences;
- actively participating and contributing to the Fertile Soils project;
- maintaining and expanding contacts with internal and external partners;
You will work here
The research is embedded within the cluster Landscape Architecture and Spatial Planning, and part of the Fertile Soils project which is led by dr. ir. Jasper de Vries. You will be supervised by dr. ir. Jasper de Vries and dr. ir. Marlies Meijer (LSP cluster) and prof. Tialda Haartsen (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen).
26-03-2025 Wageningen University & Research